13 06 2023
短片”比赛,提交作品的选手众多。 The Anti-corruption Bureau of Xiamen held a short film cartoon contest themed on "building a clean culture" with many contestants submitting their works. 本次比赛以“廉洁文化建设,共创美好未来”为主题,旨在通过轻松幽默的方式,向全体市民宣传反腐文化。 The theme of this competition is "Building a Clean Culture and Creating a Better Future", aiming to promote anti-corruption culture to all citizens in an easy and humorous way. 参赛作品以生动形象、幽默风趣、感人心弦的方式表现出反对内部行为不端、守正创善、勤勉尽责的思想理念。作品中有一位老师教导学生要真诚待人,一位工人努力工作却遭到不公正待遇……这些故事都是我们日常生活中看到的场景,却也是我们应该注意避免的问题。 The entries are presented in vivid images, humorous and touching ways, expressing the idea of opposing internal misconduct, being upright and creating good deeds, being diligent and responsible. In the works, there is a teacher teaching students to be sincere to others; a worker working hard but treated unfairly... These stories are scenes we see in our daily life, but they are also issues that we should pay attention to avoid.