Exploring the ocean and space are both important activities that humanity has been engaging in for centuries. While they both bring us a better understanding of our world and universe, I believe that exploring the ocean is more important than exploring space.
First of all, it is much more expensive to explore space than to explore the ocean. Space exploration requires advanced technology, huge investments of time and money, and highly trained personnel; whereas ocean exploration can be done with much less cost. Therefore, if we want to make effective use of resources for exploration purposes, it makes sense to focus on the ocean instead of space.
Second, although there is a lot we don't know about outer space yet, we have a fairly good understanding of what is out there already. On the other hand, we know very little about what lies beneath the surface of our oceans. Exploring this vast area could lead to many discoveries that could benefit humanity in ways we cannot even imagine yet. For example, new sources of energy or food could be discovered in this unexplored territory; or new drugs or treatments could be found from marine life forms that are yet unknown to us.
In conclusion, while exploring outer space is certainly an exciting endeavor with its own rewards and benefits; I believe that exploring our oceans should take precedence due to its potential benefits as well as its lower cost compared to space exploration.
本文标题: 海洋探索和太空探索哪个更重要,写一篇英语作文
本文网址: https://www.nhwlfw.com/news-read-2730.html
直通道: 金宣助手
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